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FE Basics

In my view there is three central questions to get your head around.

If the earth was a sphere, then its physical geometry, the curvature of
its surface, should be a limitation to our view of objects in the distance.

So why is it that we can see massive distances along the ground?
Long Distance Observations
Laser Tests

If the earth was rotating, then there should be detectable coriolis drift
in objects that leave the surface, like planes helicopters and hot air
balloons and such. The rotation should also impact flight times
depending if you are flying with or against the rotation.

So why is it there is no detectable evidence of earth rotation?
Coriolis Effect
Motion Of The Earth

If there was an ever expanding volume of near perfect vacuum beyond
the sky, so called outer space, that would be volume of area for all the
pressurised gas we are breathing to expand into in accordance with gas

Why is it there is no practical demonstration of gas pressure without a container?
Gas Pressure

These three points comprehensively debunk the globe earth claim.
These things get discussed at gg/flatearth
all the time, so using the discord
search function you can read through previous arguments.

That's where I would start.

After that, if you want a positive proof that the earth is flat, rather
than just a debunk of the globe, you'll need to learn about Celestial Navigation